Quality is the cornerstone of our commitment to our customers and an integral part of every process we undertake.

Our quality policies are constantly upgraded to meet and exceed our customers expectations. We strive to continuously improve our quality standards, as demonstrated by our certifications.


GMP+ Feed Safety Certification

Adesco is certified under the international GMP+ B3 Feed Safety Standard. The GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance scheme (GMP+ FSA) is a scheme for assuring feed safety in all the links in the feed chain. It is also an international scheme, applicable worldwide. The basic principle of the GMP+ FSA scheme is that the feed chain is part of the whole animal production chain. Proper assurance of feed safety worldwide is a high priority. Companies must live up to their responsibilities and respond properly and convincingly to the needs of animal production. The GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance scheme is an aid to realise this.


Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine Registration

Adesco’s registration numbers for the DAFM is αIECW102840 and IECW102841.